Maha & Pili at Primavera Hostel
Maha and Pili are travel content creators and micro-influencers for the travel and lifestyle industry. They were our guests in December during... Continue Reading
LIVE BARCELONA FROM PARTY TO PARTY Religious, pagan, national and neighbourhood festivals are the best way to know the culture and tradition... Continue Reading
One of the first doubts that every traveller has is how to move on their new destination, what options they have, which... Continue Reading
One of the first things we like to think about our trip to Barcelona is “El Flamenco”, but guess what? Flamenco originated... Continue Reading
Night Life in Barcelona
If you like the party Barcelona is for you! Arriving in this city you will not be able to escape from its... Continue Reading
The best parks in Barcelona
Do you want to get out of the gray of the city and surround yourself with green and nature? In Barcelona we... Continue Reading
Fiesta Mayor de Grácia: 15th -21st of August
The Fiesta Mayor de Grácia is one of the most anticipated parties for the inhabitants of Grácia (and also for the rest... Continue Reading
Monumental Club: the reconversion of an old bullring into playful space.
Monumental Club was unveiled in 2017 in the city turning the Monumental into a stage for concerts, a space for a market,... Continue Reading
Where to eat vegetarian and vegan in Barcelona
In Barcelona we have more and more offers of vegetarian and vegan restaurants, so we made a list of our favorite ones... Continue Reading
The best local food and tapas restaurants in Barcelona
“DE TAPA MADRE”: “De Tapa Madre is a restaurant in Barcelona located in the middle of the Ensanche, halfway between the... Continue Reading